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Multisignature accounts are accounts that are generated from multiple public keys. A multisig necessitates that any transaction made on its behalf must be signed by a specified threshold of its members.

A common use case for multisigs is to increase security of a signing account, and/or enable multiple parties to agree on and authorize a transaction.

The first step is to create a multisig signing key by using the public keys of all possible signers and the minimum threshold of addresses that are needed to sign any transaction from the account. The threshold can be the same amount as the total number of addresses comprising the multisig.

Source: Cosmos Multisig Guide

Step by step guide to multisig Account

Create a Multisig Account

Login multisig page

  1. Open
  2. Select network
  3. Connect wallet login multisig

Create multisig account

  1. Add multisig name
  2. Add multisig numbers
  3. Active multisig account

Add multisig name

add multisig_name

Add multisig numbers

add multisig_numbers

Active multisg

Activation is for the multisig account to be visible on the chain active multisig_numbers