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Shentu Node Setup Guide

This guide presents you the Shentu Node setup for Mainnet.


  • Minimum hardware requirements
    • A validator can be run on a VPS or Dedicated server/VM
physical CPU: 8 core
Memory: 16GB+
Disk: SSD - 300GB+

Install Shentu

git clone
cd shentu
git checkout [release tag]
make install

#verify versions
shentud version --long

Setup Shentu Node

Initialize Shentu Config

#Init shentud
shentud init [your_moniker_name] --chain-id shentu-2.2
#(Optional) Back up the old chain state.
mv $HOME/.shentud/data $HOME/.shentud/data_old
#Reset the chain state
shentud tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.shentud
cd $HOME/.shentud/config
rm genesis.json

Setup the Genesis File

wget -O genesis.json
mv genesis.json $HOME/.shentud/config/genesis.json```

Edit `$HOME/.shentu/config/config.toml` to add the following seeds peers.

seeds = "867a2986f28575b1fde864136862fde465cac17c@,"

Add minimum gas prices into $HOME/.shentu/config/app.toml

minimum-gas-prices = "0.025uctk"

Sync mainnet with snapshot


  1. Downloading the snapshot file
  1. Unpack the snapshot into $HOME/.shentud directory.
tar -xzvf shentu.tar.gz -C $HOME/.shentud/data

Syncing Your Node

To sync your node, you will use systemd, which manages the Shentu daemon and automatically restarts it in case of failure. To use systemd, you will create a service file. Be sure to replace <your_user> and <your_path> with the user on your server:

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/shentud.service > /dev/null <<'EOF'
Description=Shentud Daemon

ExecStart=/home/<your_user>/go/bin/shentu start --home <your_path>/.shentud


To start syncing:

# Start the node
sudo systemctl enable shentud
sudo systemctl start shentud

To check on the status of syncing:

shentud status --log_format json | jq '.sync_info'

This will give output like:

"latest_block_hash": "074E92BDF8858D45D304CA10BACAC464994A2DA877C6D71CA33E99A0942BAACE",
"latest_app_hash": "3A89A3C3CA04C37DDA73E5041BCEB0D7C02E3BF06C3AD7331E9D0A309D8801BF",
"latest_block_height": "21646800",
"latest_block_time": "2024-12-17T06:40:58.80228023Z",
"earliest_block_hash": "12C4D749975B1C4FFB0CAA6971CD78148BC42D902F2BF11F8A31C03A5DB8FF8E",
"earliest_app_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
"earliest_block_height": "4602989",
"earliest_block_time": "2020-10-24T14:24:00Z",
"catching_up": false

The main thing to watch is that the block height is increasing. Once you are caught up with the chain, catching_up will become false. At that point, you can start using your node to create a validator.

To check the logs of the node:

sudo journalctl -f -n 20 -u shentud

Create Validator Node

If you would like to setup a validator, continue the steps outlined in Run Validator Node