Finding Severity Classification
At OpenBounty, all findings are classified in 5 severity levels:
- Critical
- The client's and or the user of the smart contract's funding suffers a loss, no matter if it can be recovered or not afterward.
- The vulnerability that may cause the control issue that impacts the business flow of the project.
- The potential fraud that is caused by the owner of the sensitive role/address in the project.
- The client's information may be leaked due to the vulnerability. For example, private key leakage in the repository
- Finding that needs to be addressed immediately.
- High
- The inconsistency between design and implementation will cause the loss of funding or create the vulnerability.
- The unpredicted result of external function invocation.
- Finding that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- Medium
- The vulnerability that does not cause assets lose or lose control of the project.
- Not validated payload from the user input.
- Low
- Project Information/Data could be reused on different blockchain.
- Finding that needs to be addressed when the client's time permits.
- Informational
- Any security concerns that are out of the audit scope. Finding that can optionally be addressed depending on the client's decision.
- Finding that related to inconsistent with the implementation in the official library.
- Finding that could cause ambiguous and not easy to understand without any specific comments/annotation.
- Optimization improvement that can reduce the deployment or transaction fee.
- Unnecessary require() check that could be removed to reduce the gas cost
- Incorrect variable used that will not cause any negative effect e.g. does not cause asset lose.
- Finding that needs to be confirmed with the client. This will be updated into one of the above levels in the final report